Applies To: Apache Server, Tomcat server, Seclore online, Document server.

Certificates need to be replaced in the below scenarios:

1.If the currently installed certificate is about to expire.

2.If the certificate chain is missing.

Please follow the below steps to replace or renew the SSL certificates.

Step 1: Generation of CSR.

A certificate signing request (CSR) is one of the first steps towards getting your own SSL Certificate. Generated on the same server you plan to install the certificate on, the CSR contains information (e.g. common name, organization, country) the Certificate Authority (CA) will use to create your certificate. It also contains the public key that will be included in your certificate and is signed with the corresponding private key. 

  1. For generating CSR on the Apache server, please click here for the steps.
  2. For generating CSR on the Tomcat server, please click here for the steps.


Once the CSR is generated, Share the CSR with the SSL vendor to get the SSL certificates.

Note: Once you have the certificates you need to follow Step 2 to replace the certificates on different components. Please use the same certificate on all the components.


Step 2: Replacement of SSL certificates.


Apache webserver:

You can refer to the below file for the path where the SSL certificates are currently placed. You can replace the certificate and key file at the physical location.


Tomcat Server:

Click Here to find the steps on how to install a certificate on a tomcat server.


Seclore Online:

Seclore online is deployed on Tomcat, and you can follow the same steps as mentioned in "SSL replacement in Tomcat Server".

Document Server.

You can refer to the below file for the path where the SSL certificates are currently placed. You can replace the certificate and the key file on the physical location.


Related articles.

Verify CSR 

Check if CSR and certificate is a match

Check if the private key and certificate is a match

To import RSA Private Key and SSL Certificate into Java Keystore

Check SSL chain

Convert key file to PFX format

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