Applies to: Policy Server Seclore and above.  Desktop Client Seclore and above. 

Issue 1: Classification labels not visible 

Scenario 1: 

Classification Labels are not visible to the user/group.

Summary: Check if the Labels are published to the user/group in the Publishing Policy, if not, add the user to the Publishing Policy.  Classification labels take up to 12 hours to reflect for a user, post publishing the policy to the user. 


1. Login as GSA to Policy Server >> Go to Policies >> Classification Policies >> Add/ Edit the policy.

2. Inside the Publishing Policy, add the User/ Group to Policy >> Select the Labels to Publish >> set Policy Settings and Save the Policy.

3. Post saving the policy, wait for 12 active hours, for the labels to reflect on the user's / groups machine.

Scenario 2: 

Classification Labels are not visible to user despite publishing the policy to the user.

Summary: Classification labels take up to 12 hours to reflect for a user post publishing the policy to the user

Resolution: Wait for 12 active hours, for the labels to reflect on the user's machine.

Scenario 3: 

Classification Labels are not visible to user after the Desktop Client is upgraded from Non DAC to DAC version

Summary: Classification labels take up to 36 hours to reflect for a user after the Seclore agent is upgraded through patches.

Resolution: Wait for 12 to 36 active hours, for the labels to reflect on the user's machine. 


1. Delete the existing Discovery at : C:\ProgramData\Seclore\FileSecure\Desktop Client\$USERNAME$\Discovery

2. Now perform any operation involving PS. Eg : Signout Signin,File Protection,File opening. 

After Discovery gets updated, restart FSDCtray.exe.

Scenario 4: 

Classification Labels are not visible for One Drive synced Office files

Summary: OneDrive synced files are currently not supported by Seclore DAC.

Issue 2: Changes made to Classification labels not reflecting  

Summary: Changes made to an existing Classification Label/ Policy are not visible to the users. 

Resolution: Wait for 4 to 12 active hours after the Label/ Policy are updated to reflect on the end user's machine.

Issue 3: Classification Labels/Policy can't be seen for Users/ Groups newly added to the AD

Summary: For Classification, details of the users/ groups are not fetched in real time from the AD repository. The required details and changes are synced after a fixed interval of the time. If any changes are made in the AD groups, those changes will be updated in the next sync. Resulting in Classification Labels/ Policy not visible to newly added users/ groups.

Resolution: Wait for the sync-cycle to get completed at the end of the week.


1. Sign in to the root portal >> Go to Repositories >> Click on the Repository in which the User/Group was created >> Manually save the Repository. 

2. Post saving the Repository >> Restart the user machine and wait for 4 to 12 active hours after the Label/ Policy are updated to reflect on the end user's machine.

Issue 4: Insight Dashboard not updated

Summary: Cannot see Insights dashboard for the current week/month.

Explanation: Insights Dashboard data for current week is updated on Sunday of the next week at 00:00am, and it will be updated at 00:00am on or 1st day of each month

Resolution: Wait until first of next week/month for the Dashboard to get updated.

Need more help? 

Contact Seclore Support 

 [email protected]