Applies to: Seclore Desktop Client

Symptoms & Error:

When the user performs protection/unprotection of any document on desktop client, the protection/unprotection is successful however post that the following error pop's up:


  • User will require admin privilege's to perform the steps mentioned in Solution.


  • We need to verify the registry entries under the following path:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\
    1: EnableLUA
    2: FilterAdministrationToken
  • Values for both the registry keys should be set to 1( Enabled).
  • If the value is set to 0 for any of the entries we need to change it to 1 and then sign out from the system and sign in again. 
  • Issue will be resolved post the above steps have been successfully performed.

Need more help? 

Contact Seclore Support 

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